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by Joe Alain

Scripture: Matthew 27:11-26
This content is part of a series.

I Believe in Jesus Christ Part II (4 of 11)
Series: The Apostles Creed
Joe Alain
Matthew 27:11-26

Series: The fourth sermon in a series of eleven sermons on ''The Apostles' Creed, These Things We Believe.''

The Apostles' Creed makes this statement concerning Jesus, ''Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.'' Our main text today is Matthew 27:11-26, the account of Jesus before Pilate and his ordering the beating and crucifixion of Jesus.

In our text, we find Jesus before Pilate. Jesus is on trial. Or should we say that Pilate is actually the one on trial. He certainly does not seem to be in control of his court. The truth is, things are spinning out of control, going from bad to worse for him. Pilate is conflicted and he's running out of options. On one hand, he knows that Jesus is an innocent man. Guilty perhaps of some minor religious law as interpreted the Jewish leaders but certainly not guilty of any capital crime, not any crime worthy of death. Yet on the other hand, Pilate cannot release Jesus without paying a heavy political price, perhaps even his life. He knows that the Jewish leaders are in the position to make life very miserable for him. They can cause trouble for Pilate in Rome and he doesn't need that. Pilate must manage the situation and keep the turmoil down in Jerusalem, to keep the Jewish leaders on at least agreeable terms.

Pilate's choice? If he condemns Jesus then he goes against his conscience and all sense of Roman responsibility because he knows that Jesus is not guilty of breaking any Roman law. But Pilate also does not want to give in to the desires of the Jews, he doesn't want to seem as if he is caving in to their threats. ''Give them an inch, next time they will take a mile.'' Pilate is in an impossible situation. But he does have one more card to play. Out of plan ''B's,'' Pilate will pass the buck to the people. ...

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