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by Joe Alain

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5
This content is part of a series.

I Believe in Jesus, Judge of the Living and the Dead (7 of 11)
Series: The Apostles Creed
Joe Alain
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Series: The seventh sermon in a series of eleven sermons on ''The Apostles' Creed, These Things We Believe.''

Today we are focusing on the truth expressed in the phrase, ''And He will come to judge the living and the dead.'' Our main passage of Scripture is 2 Timothy 4:1-5, NIV. Read Text. The 2nd coming of Jesus will issue in the final judgment. For those who are apart from Christ, this may be the most fearful thought regarding the future. But for those who are ''in Christ,'' it is something to look forward to, for the final judgment will vindicate all that we believe in, all that we have given our lives to. In the final judgment, God will right all the wrongs, there will be perfect justice because God is a perfect God of justice. People speak of wanting to be on the right side of history, those who are ''in Christ'' will be on the right side of ''His-Story!'' There is much in the Bible about the judgment, but this morning I want us to consider three main areas that we see in our text.

Jesus Is the Judge (4:1a)
The first thing we see about the future judgment is that Jesus Christ is the one who will be conducting the judging. Our text is clear on the fact that it is Jesus Christ who will ''judge the living and the dead'' (4:1), a phrase that all the early creeds include. And He is the only one worthy of being judge because of his resurrection and ascension. Paul speaking to the Athenians said that God ''has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.'' (Acts 17:31). Jesus Himself in Matthew 25:31-33 pictured himself in the future as sitting on a glorious throne and judging the nations (all humanity, including the USA). The Bible is clear that God the Father has delegated all judgement to God the Son. John 5:22-23, 27 says, 22 More ...

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