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by Joe Alain

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:10-11
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I Believe in the Holy Spirit (8 of 11)
Series: The Apostles Creed
Joe Alain
1 Cor. 2:10-11

Series: The eighth sermon in a series of eleven on ''The Apostles' Creed, These Things We Believe.''

The Apostle Paul once asked some disciples of John the Baptist a question whether they had received the Holy Spirit or not. Their reply was, ''We have not even herd that there is a Holy Spirit'' (Acts 19:2). That might be said of many people today, ''We have not heard much about the Holy Spirit and what we've heard, we're not sure we understand!'' There is a good bit of misunderstanding when it comes to the third person of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And yet, we need to know about the HS if we are to truthfully confess, ''We believe in the Holy Spirit.''

Christians believe God is a Trinity. We've already seen that God has eternally existed as one essence and three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each of the three persons of the Godhead is fully God, yet there's one God. The Apostles' Creed affirms the trinitarian formula when it affirms belief in the Holy Spirit. Why is there so much confusion about the Holy Spirit?

Confusion Surrounding the Holy Spirit
1. A problem of identification. It may be easier to identify with God as Father, the creator, or God as the Son, Jesus who walked among us, who became like us, but the HS is more mysterious to us, harder to identify with. We do have pictures in the Bible of the HS, how he is like breath, wind, power, oil, water, helper, but he doesn't seem as ''knowable'' to us, easy to identify with.

2. Neglect of biblical teaching. Because of perhaps the mystery surrounding the HS, teaching about the HS has been largely neglected in the church. Therefore, we don't know much about him, how he works, what he does. And maybe what we've heard about the Holy Spirit scares us a little. ''Maybe the HS will make me do some strange things.'' And I've seen a lot of strange t ...

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