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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Mark 10:17-27
This content is part of a series.

The Step Into Eternal Life (1 of 7)
Series: The Next Step
Jeff Schreve
Mark 10:17-27

If you have your Bible, please turn the gospel of Mark, chapter 10. And I have a confession to make as we start out today. Here's my confession: I am directionally challenged. Who else in here would say that you are directionally challenged? All right. Quite a few of us. When I first learned how to drive, if I were going to go to a place I had never been before, I had to have detailed instructions. And many of us who have been around for a while, we know that when you went on trips, you had to buy a paper map, and you had to actually look at the map and figure out what road to go on, and it was very easy to get lost. And if you're directionally challenged, it's extremely easy to get lost. I got lost going to my senior prom. It was in downtown Houston. I missed it. I was halfway to Galveston when I figured out. I think I missed a turn. I was an hour late for the dinner. Recently - I say recently in the last ten years or so - there has been a development in technology that has been such a blessing to the directionally challenged, and that's called GPS, the Global Positioning System. And what's so nice about GPS is you have somebody telling you, ''In two miles, turn right.'' You just type in your destination and it will tell you, step by step, what you're supposed to do. Now, that is a great system. But even at that, it's not always foolproof. You have to be wise as you listen.

Hey, we're starting a new series today, and it's really our theme for the year, and we're calling it ''The Next Step'' ''The Next Step?'' with a question mark because we're wanting people to soberly ask themselves this question: What is the next step for me? What is the next step in my relationship with the Lord? You know, the Christian life is all about growth and change. It's about transforming from glory to glory (1st Corinthians 3:18). As we walk with the Lord, He changes us. As John the Baptist ...

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