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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Acts 2:37-43
This content is part of a series.

The Christian Two-Step (2 of 7)
Series: The Next Step
Jeff Schreve
Acts 2:37-43

The year was 1949. A new television show hit the airwaves. It was a western. It took off like wildfire. People really liked it. It was a story of a guy who was part of a posse of Texas rangers, but all the other rangers died. He was almost killed himself, but he survived, and he became a one-man justice league. His name was The Lone Ranger.

That show aired from 1949 to 1957 for nine years, and then it was in reruns and many of us watched it in the reruns. And we loved the song, The William Tell Overture. I think it was The Lone Ranger that made that song famous. But, here's the thing about The Lone Ranger: they're not making that show anymore. All those people are dead. But there's still this idea of The Lone Ranger, this one guy by himself that's out there trying to make a difference, that has infiltrated into Christianity. We have lots of people today who adopt this Lone Ranger Christianity. They're not connected to a church. They're just kind of out there on their own. They float in and out. They appear, then they disappear. And they're unattached, and they're uncommitted, and they're unaccountable.

Now, Lone Ranger Christianity is totally foreign to the New Testament. It would be like you're speaking a whole different language. That's not the way God has set it up. God has set it up for us in the New Testament to live in community, to live in family, to live together, so to speak spiritually, in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, we're in a series that we started last week called, The Next Step. The next step with a question mark, and we're asking everybody in this series, ''Hey, what is the next step for you? What is God speaking to your heart about doing?'' The Christian life is all about growth and change. It's about moving forward with the Lord. If you ever get to the place where you stagnate, you never really stay in the same place. You're going to move ...

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