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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 34:29-35
This content is part of a series.

How to Spend Time with God (4 of 7)
Series: The Next Step
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 34:29-35

May 10, 1985 was a very important day in my life. That was the first date I had with Debbie Canon. Now, I had gotten to know Debbie just a little bit. We'd have little conversations in Sunday school. We were in the singles Sunday school class at Champion Forest. I didn't really know her very well, but the very first time I saw her I said, ''Wow! That girl is so beautiful.'' And so, I asked her out. I was so excited. She said yes, and I was so excited. I was getting ready for this big date. Unbeknownst to me, here I was so excited about the date, she told her roommate, ''I don't want to go on this date. Maybe I should just stand him up. I mean, this guy is so boring.'' Can you believe it? She said that about me, that I was boring, because I didn't talk very much. I was very shy. She said, ''This guy is boring. We're going to have a horrible date, but I like his friend. I'm interested in his friend Stan. I think if I go out with Jeff, maybe I can get to know Stan better.'' I didn't know that when we went out. We went out Friday night, May 10, 1985. At the end of that date, she came home, talked to her roommate, Donna, and said, ''Hey, can, you want to talk?'' Donna was in bed and she said, ''Yeah, we can talk.'' Debbie said this - first date - she said, ''I think that's the guy I'm going to marry.'' How did that happen? One-on-one time together. That's how that happened. She went from not wanting to even go out with me to wanting to marry me in the space of about six hours. Wow! Now, sure she knew that I was good looking, but she got to know me and she said, ''Wow! This guy is fun. He's engaging. He got a great sense of humor. I like talking to him.'' We just hit it off. We spent time together and that changed everything.

Hey, we're in a series called The Next Step. What is the next step for you? Today, we want to be very practical and talk about this subject - how can y ...

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