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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-15
This content is part of a series.

Do You Know the Way to Pray? (6 of 7)
Series: The Next Step
Jeff Schreve
Matthew 6:9-15

When I went off to college in the fall of 1980, I had been a Christian for about six months or so. I was going to the University of Texas. The University of Texas is not known as a real strong place for Christians and I knew that I needed to get involved in a church very quickly or the flow of that campus was going to be a difficulty for me. And, by God's grace, I did. I got involved in a good church and I got hooked up in a discipleship group. I had met this guy at orientation when I went to UT for a week of orientation in June of 1980 before the semester started. He said, ''I'd like you to be in my discipleship group. There are going to be four or five other freshman guys, and it's just a way for us to grow in the Lord.'' And so, I was all excited about that. I began to really learn and really grow, and I learned about the Bible, and I hadn't really known much about the Bible up until that time. I grew up going to church some, but the Bible wasn't used that much in church, so I didn't know. I knew some Bible stories, but I didn't really know much about the Bible. I started learning about the Bible, and I started learning verses, and I started learning how to apply those verses to my life. And I was really starting to grow, but there was one area of the Christian life that was hard for me, and that was in the area of prayer. It was hard because I just didn't think I knew how to do it very well. Sometimes I'd be praying with these guys in my discipleship group, and some of the guys had been Christians for a long time. They grew up in church and so, when they started praying it sounded like you were praying with William Shakespeare or something. I mean, they just had all these flowery terms, and they would use buzz words. I didn't know any of that stuff. So, I would just be like, man, I just don't like doing this. Prayer is hard - especially praying out loud. My prayers w ...

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