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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11
This content is part of a series.

The Exciting Life of a Witnessing Christian (7 of 7)
Series: The Next Step
Jeff Schreve
Acts 1:1-11

Early in my Christian life, as I was being discipled in my freshman year in college, I was introduced to an illustration that I had obviously never seen before or heard before. It was an illustration of a hand, and it said, ''These are the five factors, five components of a successful Christian life.'' Every Christian needs to have these five things in his or her life.

The first one was the Bible, Bible study. That's critical. You're not going to have a successful Christian life without the Bible. The second one is prayer. And just as critical as the Bible is prayer. The third one was worship. The fourth one was fellowship. And the fifth one was witness. Now, they weren't ranked like this is more important than that one. They just said, ''These are the five things that are critical to a successful Christian life, a life that moves on with the Lord, a life that pleases the Lord.''

Now, of those five components of a successful Christian life, there is one that seems, for most people to be the hardest one to do. It's not Bible study. It's not prayer. It's not worship. It's not fellowship. It is witness - to witness to other people; to share with other people the good news of Jesus Christ - His death, His burial, His resurrection; the salvation He offers to anyone who will repent and believe. Now, why is that such a hard thing for us to do? Well, it's hard because of fear. Let's just be honest. Most of us are afraid to share our faith. We're afraid because, ''I'm not sure what to say, so I feel very uneasy about it. I don't feel like I'm very equipped to do this. I don't feel like I'm worthy to be sharing this, because I look into my own life and see a lot of inconsistencies.'' And so, we struggle. ''I don't know what to say. I don't know how to bring up conversation. What if that person doesn't like me and rejects me because I'm talking to them about spir ...

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