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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 24:1-64
This content is part of a series.

Here Comes The Bride (24 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 24:1–64

Theme: Abraham’s finds a bride for his first born son

I – The Distinct Covenant (1 – 4)
II – The Disturbing Consternation (5)
III – The Definitive Collaboration (6 – 9)
IV – The Departing Caravan (10)
V – The Daring Challenge (11 – 14)
VI – The Divine Confirmation (15 – 20)
VII – The Delayed Consideration (21)
VIII – The Delightful Conversation (22 – 27)
IX – The Damsel’s Comments (28 – 33)
X – The Detailed Cause (34 – 48)
XI – The Deals Completion (49 – 61)
XII – The Devoted Couple (62 – 67)

Love at First Sight

Seven year old Tommy had been asking his parents for a dog but they were not convinced that the family needed one. After Tommy’s repeated pleas, his dad told him if he would help his mother with chores around the house he could earn enough money to buy a dog. Tommy was more than eager to accept this challenge. He didn’t mind working if it meant that he could get a dog.

His parents took Tommy to a pet store in town to see what they had in the line of dogs. Near the rear of the store was a cage containing a beautiful black and white puppy and for Tommy and the puppy it was love at first sight.

While Tommy was occupied visiting with the puppy that he was sure you would own, his dad was negotiating with the store owner regarding the price.

Finally it was agreed that $100 was a fair price.
Now Tommy’s dad knew that his son’s earnings, plus his allowance, wasn’t up to that figure, so he wrote the owner a check for $90 with the provision that Tommy would be told that he had to come up with $10 if he wanted the puppy, which just happened to be the amount of money Tommy had amassed. Tommy eagerly counted out his ten dollars, paid the owner, and then waited with great eagerness as the proprietor opened the cage and handed him the puppy. Before the family had gotten back home, Tommy had already named his dog “Spots”.

For a couple of years whe ...

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