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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Refuge. Reward. Righteousness (23)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 15

Back in April of this year a 71-year-old woman in Florida was hospitalized after a hard blunt object crashed through her windshield striking her in the head. The object? A turtle! The woman was treated at the scene by first responders and taken to a nearby hospital. Paramedics say she never lost consciousness. Witnesses say the turtle walked away with a few scratches on its shell.

Authorities are unsure how the turtle became air-born but theorize it was trying to cross the road when it was hit by the tires of another vehicle and launched into atmosphere. One thing we know about turtles is that if you find one on a fencepost or flying through the air, it didn't get there by itself. It had help!

This wasn't the first time. A similar incident occurred in a neighboring county back in 2016. [''Turtle crashes through windshield and survives - and it's happened before,'' Daytona Beach News-Journal (4-33-21)]

It just goes to show that you never know what might unexpectedly come crashing through life's windshield. Abram, like so many of you, knew what it was to have an unexpected problem crash into and disrupt the comfortable and predictable routine of our life.

One such incident occurred in the previous chapter, chapter 14.
• Abram's nephew Lot was taken captive after a battle between an alliance of 4 Kings from the East defeated a coalition of 5 Kings in Abram's region.
• Abram throws self-interest and caution to the wind, gathers up his trained men, those able to fight, around 300 in number, and set out to rescue Lot, which he did.
• Abram defeated this alliance of 4 strong eastern kings and brought back the people and all the spoils of war, but Abram kept none of them.

Abram walked away victorious but not unharmed. Abram did not suffer the loss of his men or his possessions. We are not told he was injured but the bruises of fear and doubt began to appear through the glo ...

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