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by Tim Badal

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13
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Series: Ready
Tim Badal
1 Thessalonians 3:6-13

We're going to be in 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 as we come to the heart and central part of this letter. We learned last week that Paul sent young Timothy to minster to the church in Thessalonica because Paul couldn't go back himself. He had been thrown out of the city and probably threatened that if he came back he and his missionary team would be harmed as well as the people he was going to minster to. Paul knew, ''If I go back it's going to cause all kinds of great turmoil for those that I love.'' Paul was in the city of Corinth some 300?400 miles southwest of Thessalonica when he wrote this letter. They didn't have phones or any other means of communication, so Paul sent Timothy to see how the Thessalonian church was doing.

As we've been studying this text since the beginning of this year, there are three truths that we have come to know:

1. Paul absolutely adored the people of the Thessalonian church. Though he didn't spend a lot of time there and his departure was abrupt, Paul expresses all kinds of accolades and sentimental thoughts toward these people. He cared about them deeply. The Thessalonians also cared deeply about Paul and his team.
3. Afflictions and hardships will come into our lives. Paul says we are destined for times of affliction, trouble and pain. If you've lived for any amount of time you know that there are great times in life, but as you get older you know that with great times also come difficult times. We were reminded last week that we can take solace in the fact that we know God is sovereign over trials, tribulations and temptation. He will walk us through those fiery trials that we face.
5. A group of people who are sold out for the Lord can do great things. This church in Thessalonica was made up of nobodies. Unlike many other letters to churches that had names of people throughout the letter - ''This guy is doing this.'' ''This ...

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