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by Tim Badal

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Getting Ready for Company (9 of 16)
Series: Ready
Tim Badal
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

In this series we've been learning from Paul's letters to the first-century church in Thessalonica in northern Greece-a city which still exists today. Paul wrote them after spending time there, leading them to the cause of Jesus Christ and bringing them to an understanding that He could be their Savior and Lord.

After being driven out of the city by haters of the gospel, Paul heads down to the city of Athens in southern Greece. He wants to know what's going on in the lives of these people he's come to love and care for deeply. So he sends his young disciple Timothy to see how things are going. Are they still walking in the ways of God? Are they still in fellowship with one another? Are they living out the commands of Jesus Christ to serve, care for and love one another, as well as to be lights in a dark world?

Timothy comes back and reports, ''Yes, they're doing great work. They're loving one another and doing all the things you, Paul, told them they needed to do as followers of Christ.'' So Paul sits down and writes this letter-a letter of affection and concern for his friends, a letter in which he answers questions regarding the issues of life and-as we're going to learn today-even the issues of death and the future.

Paul has spent a lot of time telling the people in Thessalonica that they need to be ready to honor God and serve Him, living each day to the glory of God. Over the next couple weeks, we're going to be finishing this first letter and moving to the second letter Paul wrote to this church. He wants to prepare them for the day-a day in which we all will find ourselves-the day of our death. What's going to happen when we come to the end of our lives? Whether we're young and don't expect to die, or as we grow older and see the end coming, how are we to be ready for meeting our Lord?

But Paul also speaks to a second group of people, those who are li ...

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