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by Tim Badal

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28
This content is part of a series.

How God's People Get Ready (11 of 16)
Series: Ready
Tim Badal
1 Thessalonians 5:23-28

Before we take a break next week for the celebration of Easter, we want to finish the last couple verses in 1 Thessalonians. Next week we'll be talking about what it means to second-guess or doubt the resurrection. We'll be looking at the life of Thomas and how he responded to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many people respond to the resurrection with doubts and questions, and we learn from Thomas' story how Jesus resolves questions we have about what He has done and can do for each of us.

Before we get there though, we want to finish this first letter to the Thessalonians. Then in two weeks we'll pick up with the second letter. We'll spend the month of April in that book, finishing this series we started in January that we called ''Ready.'' We've been learning what Paul is telling these first-century Christians about what it means to live readied lives for Christ.

In this five-chapter letter, we've learned that readiness includes living pure lives, living lives filled with brotherly or sisterly love. It includes the idea of putting our lives in order under the Word of God, and living in such a way that the gospel resonates in all facets of our lives. Whether at work, school, in our neighborhoods or all around the world, we need to be ready. One of the reasons for this is that Jesus Christ is coming back and we need to be ready for that. We need to be prepared, recognizing that He will not come back until He has given us the full amount of time to share the gospel so all whom He has called will come to a saving knowledge of Himself. We want to be part of that, engaging that endeavor for His name and glory.

We find ourselves today at the very end of the first letter. Paul does not disappoint us by finishing this letter with simple, pleasant platitudes or idle talk. He finishes strongly, helping us understand what it means to be ready. But there may have been s ...

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