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READY TO GO! (13 OF 16)

by Tim Badal

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
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Ready to Go! (13 of 16)
Series: Ready
Tim Badal
2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

Please take God's Word in your hands and turn to the book of 2 Thessalonians. We're finishing up a series over the next couple of weeks that we've entitled ''Ready,'' a look at Paul's two letters to the church in Thessalonica, written in the first century, but the city is still in modern day Greece today. Paul has written these two letters to prepare the people to be ready in all occasions.

The period of time that he's talking about is the same as we find ourselves in today, even though 2,000 years have elapsed. The whole focus of these two letters is to talk about being ready during the period between Christ's resurrection on Easter and the return of Christ sometime in the future. So we find ourselves in this transitional time when God allows people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

As Christ followers, we need a manual on to how we are to live between these two great events, based on what He modeled in His life here on earth.

Looking forward a moment before we get into today's text, in three weeks we will be starting a series that we're calling ''Life.'' It's all about relationships. We're going to spend six or seven weeks looking at different relationships that we have as human beings and what God's Word says about them. What does God's Word say about our marital relationships? What does it have to say about our friendships? What does it say about relationships between parents and their children? What about our relationships at work? Our lives are filled with relationships.

Over the summer we actually will have three different series: this next one on relationships; another regarding prayer; and then we're going to look at the seven deadly sins. This third series will look at what the Old Testament Scripture has to say about sins that we don't think about much, but God wants us to stay away from them nonetheless.

Fast-forwarding to the fall, we'll b ...

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