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by Tim Badal

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
This content is part of a series.

An Apostle's Words and Motherly Wisdom Regarding Work (15 of 16)
Series: Ready
Tim Badal
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Let's take God's Word in our hands and turn to 2 Thessalonians. During the last four and one-half months we have been investing a great amount of time and energy into these two letters that the Apostle Paul wrote in the first century to this church Greece called Thessalonica. He has invested a lot of time and energy with these people who were new followers of Jesus Christ. They were in essence just learning what it meant to be Christians. And we have invested our time under the theme of being ''Ready'' to serve and honor God as followers of Christ. Next week we will finish up this final letter, having looked at the wonderful example of these Thessalonians who had allowed God to transform their lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We had a movie night this past Friday and watched the incredible movie, Woodlawn. It told the true story of Woodlawn High School in 1973 where one student's life was changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result of that life change, the whole football team was changed. And because a football team was changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, a community was changed. And then surrounding communities were changed. In the end, an entire state was impacted by one individual who was transformed by the gospel. This story was back in the 70's in magazines like Life, Time and Sports Illustrated. Now, 40 years later, this movie tells the story of one life being changed and as a result concurrent circles of lives changed, making an expansive impact in that area.

One life changed by Jesus Christ can have a massive impact on the lives of those around us, and we see this as well in a small church in the town of Thessalonica in northern Greece 2,000 years ago. A handful of people's lives were changed by the gospel, which impacted the city of Thessalonica and the region of Macedonia. This little group of people got on fir ...

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