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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 21:1-34
This content is part of a series.

The Up's and Down's of Life (21 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 21:1-34

Theme: Abraham encountered delight, despair, and difficulty

I - The Conception (1 - 7)
II - The Celebration (8)
III - The Conflict (9 - 10)
IV - The Crushed (11)
V - The Command (12 - 14)
VI - The Cry (15 - 21)
VII - The Covenant (22 - 24)-
VIII - The Concord (25 - 34)

The story of Abraham had begun over twenty five years earlier and it was like a rollercoaster of up's and down's. One minute his life was coasting along full of blessings and sunshine and in a matter of moments his life was plummeting out of control and filled with burdens and storms.

He was living in the Land of Ur of Chaldees and the Lord called him to move to an unknown location. After a brief stay in Haran, his father died there and in time Abraham, his wife, and his nephew Lot make their way to Canaan Land.

The Lord begin to bless him and load him down with benefits, but burdens and barriers begin to pop up in all directions, with many of them being self inflicted wounds due to trusting in the flesh rather than walking by faith.

Abraham was given an everlasting covenant by the Lord, promised to become the father of many nations, yet he was old and did not even have a son, so in turn he tried to help God out and birthed a boy with his wife's maidservant.

The Lord told him this was not acceptable nor would he become the chosen seed, and during all of this time, we find the patriarch of Israel making misguided detours down to Egypt and then into the Land of the Philistines.

In today's story we find Abraham and Sarah finally receiving a long awaited answer to the promise that God had given them some twenty five years earlier, their son Isaac will be born such delight, yet such despair still to come.
I - The Conception (1 - 7)

Highs and lows were very much a part of the story of Abraham and Sarah. In the beginning of this chapter we see the most delightful day ever in the ...

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