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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 14:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Faith Against the Flow (22)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 14

Last summer I decided to take Kristal, Jordan and Rebecca K. kayaking. We drove down to Ginnie Springs and rented kayaks for a couple of hours and were looking forward to a relaxing day on and in the water. Of course, you couldn't kayak there in the spring. It was just a big hole with clear water and a little tributary leading out into the river. That was fine but we found out that you couldn't kayak down river because the rental company didn't have another place to take in and out of the river. So, you were to paddle upstream for as far as you wanted and then paddle/float back downstream to the take in/out point.

Normally, that would have been fine, but you need to understand the Dawson luck, we don't have any. It had been raining a lot before that weekend. It was one of the first sunny weekends we had in a while. I'm sure you know what that meant for the river. Unfortunately, it was not something I even thought to take into account. The water level was up, and the current was faster and stronger than normal. It was a little more strenuous going upstream that day than it typically would have been.

We gutted it out, were having fun and making progress until we reached a place where several other kayakers had gathered off to the side. I wasn't sure why. I didn't think much about it until I noticed all of them watching me. I was a little ahead of Kristal and the girls. Now obviously I am not a professional kayaker, and the craft sits a little low in the water when I am in it, so I'm sure it was an interesting sight but that was not the reason they were watching.

There as a spot in the river just above this covey of kayaks where the current was extra strong, which is why the kayaks were sitting off the side. They couldn't make it past that spot in the river. Being the finely tuned machine that I am, I was determined to make it. I gave it all I had and then some. After a few minutes o ...

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