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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 11:27-32, Genesis 12:1-9
This content is part of a series.

An Unexpected Journey of Faith (19)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 11:27 - 12:9

I want you to imagine that you leaned back in your favorite chair or stretched out on your comfy couch for a well-deserved nap only to find that when you awakened you were still in your favorite napping spot but 260 miles from home.

That's what happened to Cupcake the cat. Cupcake curled up in a box with some old DVDs and some other items and went sound asleep. Her owner, who had been packing the box to send to a friend, did not realize Cupcake had settled down for a nap in the box nor did she notice the extra weight when she sealed it up and shipped it off. Yes. She mailed the box with Cupcake in it.

For all you animal and cat lovers, don't worry. Though I'd hate to have been the person who opened the box and let out one angry and confused cat, Cupcake survived the ordeal and has been happily reunited with her unobservant owner. I would imagine Cupcake is now avoiding boxes!! [Cat Survives 8 Days In Box After Owner Accidentally Mails Her Across England,'' HuffPost (3-27-16)]

Talk about an unexpected and unwanted journey. Today, we begin the study into the life of a man who went on an unexpected journey of faith, a man named Abraham.

Abraham is a prominent figure and not just in the Bible. He is a key figure in three of the world's major faith systems, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. One pastor said, ''Apart from Jesus, Abraham is perhaps the most important figure in the Bible'' (S. Cole).

What exactly is Abraham's claim to fame? Faith. He was a man who believed God, followed God and was even said to be a friend of God.

As we study the life of Abraham, we will discover what it means to trust God and live by faith. That is important because, as believers, we are to ''walk by faith and not by sight'' (2 Corinthians 5.7), because ''without faith it is impossible to please God'' (Hebrews 11.6). Unpacking the life of Abraham over the next few weeks teach ...

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