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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 19:1-38
This content is part of a series.

Lot Got What He Wanted, but Did He Want What He Got? (19 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 19:1-38

Theme: Looking, Lingering, and Losing in Sodom

I - The Angelic Messengers (1 - 3)
II - The Angry Mob (4 - 5)
III - The Absurd Move (6 - 8)
IV - The Angels Maneuver (9 - 11)
V - The Alarming Message (12 - 13)
VI - The Amusing Mockery (14)
VII - The Anxious Mandate (15 - 23)
VIII - The Annihilation Manifested (24 - 25)
IX - The Awful Moment (26)
X - The Answered Mediation (27 - 29)
XI - The Abominable Misconduct (30 - 38)


I remember it like it was yesterday; I came home from school one afternoon, got me something to eat and lay down on the bed and begin to read. It was raining when I got off the school bus and the wind was blowing.

I have never had a fear of storms, so a bit of rain and wind was no big deal to me. In no time at all I was entrenched in my book and I heard a horn beeping outside. In a matter of moments my dad came in and told me to get up and get in the car. I could tell he was a bit anxious and I asked him what was wrong and he told me tornados had touched down in several areas.

I was in shock as I went outside and saw trees down in the yard and the antenna was doubled over the top of our house. I was oblivious to the storm that had been approaching and was thankful that my dad came and helped me get out of a bad situation.

Lot was oblivious to the coming destruction, but Abraham helped to save him.
I - The Angelic Messengers (1 - 3)

The story of Lot's demise and Sodom's destruction had began in chapter 18, but unbeknownst to Lot his uncle, Abraham interceded on his behalf and asked the Lord to save him.

• The Two Angels (1)

Gen 19:1 KJV - And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing [them] rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

The angels that have now entered into Sodom are the two men that lef ...

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