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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 5:4
This content is part of a series.

Mourning Our Sin (2 of 8)
Series: The Beatitudes
Tim Melton
Matthew 5:4

In the Bible our clearest picture of how to best understand life is seen in the life of Jesus

Christ. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. When one reads in the Bible about the life of

Jesus Christ His way of life seems so foreign to us. The miracles, the teaching, the peace in the midst of all the pressures and pain that were brought upon His brief life, and even the forgiveness He requested for those who killed Him. His life and perspective of life was so different than ours. The contrast is so evident when we look at how Jesus lived and how we live.

When you look at the stories of Jesus it was as if He was playing by different rules,

reading from a different script, or coming from a different world to which we can`t relate.

He rested, we worry. He gave, we horde. He was bold, we fear. He forgave, we hate. He

pleased the Father, we please the world around us. He spoke with authority, we apologize for truth. He lived in the reality of God, the only true reality and it impacted

everything that He said and did.

Jesus was familiar with the true realities of this world on both the natural and the

supernatural levels. He was fully God and fully man. He had created this world and all

the spiritual and natural laws that govern it. He had also created mankind in His image.

If anyone knows how life is best lived in this world it has to be Jesus.

In Matthew 5:4 we see another one of his teachings that seems so contradictory to the

world that we know. Matthew, one of Jesus´ closest followers, recorded these words of

Jesus. ''Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.''

We use the word ''bless'' so often that it at times has lost its Biblical meaning. Someone

who is ''blessed'' has everything that he needs. That is different than everything that he

wants. God determines what we truly need. In the life of a follower of Christ we have


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