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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 5:5
This content is part of a series.

Blessed Are the Meek (3 of 8)
Series: The Beatitudes
Tim Melton
Matthew 5:5

In the Old Testament the people of God came to be known as the Israelites. God is the

one who chose their name. Out of all the names in the world God could have chosen, He

chose the name Israel. The name ''Israel'' literally means ''one who wrestles with God.''

That is a pretty amazing name for God´s people. . . because that is what a life of faith is.

It is a life of wrestling with God.

There is no better way to know God than to wrestle with Him in the midst of this fallen world. In the midst of our own sinfulness and selfishness; In the midst of our own insecurities and fears; In the midst of our own arrogance and pride, our doubts and unbelief, we wrestle with God. Much like a man named Jacob (Gen. 32:22-32) in the Old Testament, we wrestle with God seeking to be blessed. Seeking to encounter God like never before.

Because of this we wrestle with God. In the midst of sickness we encounter Christ as the Great Physician. As we worry about the unknown we experience Christ as the Almighty Counselor and Prince of Peace. As we face financial difficulties we find Christ to be our Great Provider. As we face our fears we experience Christ as our Protector and Savior. As we face our sin we find Him to be our Redeemer and Forgiver.

It is only through the wrestling that our faith grows and we come to know Christ well.

Not just knowing about Him, but having experienced Him. But once you come to know

Christ well do not be surprised when you find out that His teaching and His life is

totally opposite of how the world is telling us to live.

One of the clearest examples of this is found in Matthew chapters 5-7 in a section of scripture called the Sermon on the Mount. In this passage we find Jesus describing clearly what a life that follows Christ should be like. In Matthew 5:16 He gives the reason. ''Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your goo ...

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