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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 5:8
This content is part of a series.

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (6 of 8)
Series: The Beatitudes
Tim Melton
Matthew 5:8

Matthew 5:8 says, ''Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.''

This is a precious verse that interests people for different reasons. Some are truly longing to be ''blessed.'' Others are struggling to find a way free from sin and to be pure in heart. Others are searching for God.

In the previous verses it is as if Jesus has been leading us on a mountain climb. We started at the bottom. In Matthew 5:3 Jesus teaches that,

''Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'' He was saying blessed are those who realize that they are spiritually bankrupt. Blessed are those who realize that they are spiritually lost and hopeless and helpless. Jesus then continues by saying,

''Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.'' It was not mourning because our sports team lost, our bank account is getting smaller, or even because we have a life-threatening illness. It is mourning over our sinfulness. Jesus is saying that blessed are those whose hearts are broken over the sin in their lives.

Jesus continues this uphill climb by saying, ''Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.'' This word meek is likened to a wild animal who has been tamed. It is like a stallion that's been broken and brought in to submission under the rider's care. The stallion is still powerful with great potential but all of his energies and strength are now submitted to the will of the rider. We are the same. Once we have realized our desperate need and our destructive sinfulness we are ready to surrender all of our thoughts, words, emotions and actions to the lordship of Christ. He then begins to transform our lives from selfish, destructive and prideful to selfless, helpful and humble. Still with great potential but now with orderliness, tranquility, and blessing.

Next Jesus proclaims that ''Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for ri ...

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