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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 5:9
This content is part of a series.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers (7 of 8)
Series: The Beatitudes
Tim Melton
Matthew 5:9

''Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.''

Once again, we have been called to the impossible. In the preceding verses Jesus describes the blessed as those who realize their spiritual bankruptcy, hunger for righteousness, are broken over their sin, give mercy, are meek, and are pure in heart. Jesus then tells how those who are blessed will also be known for being peacemakers.

It sounds like too much to ask. We struggle enough with basic obedience. Now Jesus calls us to characteristics that seem almost impossible. But shouldn't we be drawn to the impossible? To a Christian life that is unexplainable. . .Where supernatural is the description that is most fitting for what Christ is doing in our lives.

''Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.'' Matthew 5:9

As Jesus spoke these words his listeners must have been surprised or even offended. In their perspective peace was not what was needed at this time. They were not seeking to follow a peace-keeping Messiah. They were hoping for a mighty deliverer, military leader like Joshua or King David. One who could bring people together to fight and free themselves from the rule of the Roman Empire over. But this is not the kind of Prince of Peace that Jesus had come to be.

Jesus came for something greater than getting people to stop fighting. He came so that people could be reconciled to God. He came that our sin and selfishness could be forgiven and we could be restored to the relationship that God and man knew in the beginning. Shalom, an all-encompassing peace, was to be a dominant characteristic of a Christian's life.

Once we have this peace with God, we are prepared to be a channel of His peace to other people. We are now able to point others to Jesus as they see the peace in our lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 says this,

''Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he i ...

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