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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 5:10
This content is part of a series.

Blessed are the Persecuted (8 of 8)
Series: The Beatitudes
Tim Melton
Matthew 5:10

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

Who comes to mind when you read this verse? Maybe Stephen, one of the earliest Christian martyrs in the book of Acts who was stoned to death? Christians who were thrown to the lions in the Roman Colosseum? Many Christians who were tortured and killed during the Spanish Inquisition? Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who was killed by the Nazis in a concentration camp during WW II? An Iranian Pastor who is in prison right now or a child who is beheaded by ISIS because their Christian parents in Syria will not deny their faith in Christ? Or maybe your thoughts of persecution focus on your workplace, your classmates or even your spouse?

Once again, we stand face to face with a teaching of Jesus Christ that at first glance doesn't make much sense to us. Jesus' teachings seem illogical to us because we have been ''brainwashed'' by a culture that has changed the price tags. It claims that the sacred things of God are irrelevant, and the toys, pleasures and prestige of this world are all that matter. What makes matters worse is that we have believed them.

Even those of us who are followers of Christ are drawn into living for the present. We live as if what we can see and touch is all that there is. We are tempted to live as if this lifetime is all that matters. But that is not what God says. The truth is that this life is merely an opening act to the main event. It is like a courtship that leads to marriage. This life is only the beginning. We are just passing through. Our true citizenship is in heaven. Eternity is what we are truly created for.

If we choose to be a people who merely chase after comfort, recognition, pleasure, and worldly success then we will continue to struggle with Jesus' teachings. But for those who will stop long enough to hear what Christ is trul ...

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