Scripture: JUDGES 11, JUDGES 11:1, JUDGES 11:2, JUDGES 11:3, JUDGES 11:4, JUDGES 11:5, JUDGES 11:6, JUDGES 11:7, JUDGES 11:8, JUDGES 11:9, JUDGES 11:10, JUDGES 11:11, JUDGES 11:12, JUDGES 11:13, JUDGES 11:14, JUDGES 11:15, JUDGES 11:16, JUDGES 11:17, JUDGES 11:18, JUDGES 11:19, JUDGES 11:20, JUDGES 11:21, JUDGES 11:22, JUDGES 11:23, JUDGES 11:24, JUDGES 11:25, JUDGES 11:26, JUDGES 11:27, JUDGES 11:28, JUDGES 11:29, JUDGES 11:30, JUDGES 11:31, JUDGES 11:32, JUDGES 11:33, JUDGES 11:34, JUDGES 11:35, JUDGES 11:36, JUDGES 11:37, JUDGES 11:38, JUDGES 11:39, JUDGES 11:40
This content is part of a series.
Series: Bring Back the Glory
Dr. Adrian Rogers
Judges 11 8-14-94
Judges chapter 11 and when you’ve found it, look up here. That’s Judges chapter 11. It’s not hard to find, it comes right after chapter 10, if you’re able to find that. The title of our message, Men of Strength. The great need today is for men. Real men. Men of character. Men of integrity. Men that will stand. Men of strength. America’s in trouble because America’s homes are in trouble and America’s homes are in trouble because men have failed to be the men of God that they ought to be. One man was not behaving like a man and someone said, What are you? A man or a mouse? He said, Well, I must be a man, my wife’s afraid of a mouse. We need some men today.
We’re going to study about a man today who was a real man and he was a man of faith. His name was Jephthah. Now, most of us have not heard of Jephthah, but God has heard of him and when God wrote in Hebrews chapter 11 of the great heroes of the faith, he listed this man’s name in verse 32. Didn’t tell anything about him, but just says, Jephthah was one of these mighty men and now we’re going to look at him today and we’re going to find out the marks of his character, what made him such a mighty man, a man of steel, a man of strength? What was his character like? He was one of a handful of men that God put in the Hall of Fame there in Hebrews chapter 11. Well, we’re in Judges chapter 11 and I begin reading verses 1 through 3. “Now, Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor.” Right away we know something about him. “He was a man of strength, a mighty man of valor and he was the son,” oh watch, “of an harlot, and Gilead beget Jephthah and Gilead’s wife bear him sons and his wife’s sons grew up and they thrust out Jephthah and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit our father’s house, for thou art the son of a strange woman and Jephthah fled from his brethren and dwelt in the land of ...
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