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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 17:1-27
This content is part of a series.

The Almighty Can Do Anything (17 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 17:1-27

Theme: The Almighty was more than able to fulfill his plan

I - The Command (1)
II - The Covenant (2 - 8)
III - The Conditions (9 - 14)
IV - The Change (15 - 16)
V - The Chortle (17)
VI - The Contesting (18)
VII - The Conception (19)
VIII - The Compassion (20)
IX - The Confirmation (21 - 22)
X - The Circumcising (23 - 27)

In this chapter we find God placing an emphasis upon Abraham and his wife bringing forth a child, but not a mere child, a son. Abraham was eighty six years old at the birth of Ishmael, but now he is ninety nine years old and his wife is eighty nine.

The Lord is going to give Abraham some clear directions about his wife birthing a son, even to the point of him laughing within his heart at the outrageous news. Have you ever laughed in the face of God, maybe not out loud, but silently, within your heart?

Maybe you prayed and the Holy Spirit revealed something to you that was outlandish and you thought it was impossible for the Lord to make it happen. In our text today, the Lord introduces himself as ''The Almighty'' or as the all sufficient God, the one that can do anything, without limitations.

In reality, he is ''El-Shaddai'' the God that was more than able, the one that was more than adequate and has no limitations or weaknesses. There are no barriers that can hinder him; nothing can bind him, because he is the all sufficient God, the Almighty God. He will change the names of Abram and Sarai, and he will change their outlook for the future.
I - The Command (1)

Gen 17:1 KJV - And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

It seems that every chapter in this book is bursting with needful information, insight, and inspiration. The story of Abraham began when he was 75 years old and headed for the Land of Canaan, but n ...

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