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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 16:1-16
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The Foolishness of Helping God Out!!! (16 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 16:1-16

Theme: ''Sarah and Abraham assumed God needed their help''

I - The Problem (1a)

II - The Person (1b)

III - The Proposal (2a)

IV - The Presumption (2b - 3)

V - The Provocation (4 - 5)

VI - The Punishment (6)

VII - The Promise (7 - 12)

VIII - The Place (7, 13 - 14)

IX - The Prognosis (15 - 16)

Have you ever tried to help God out?

I remember the first church that I pastored, it was 1989 and I dropped my resume off at the church. I knew the preacher that had just filled in as interim and he was taking another church. So I dropped my resume off at this church and against the advice of my pastor, I went there as their new interim.

It was a very small church, a family church, and their former and founding pastor had been murdered four years earlier. It was literally an impossible situation and everywhere I turned I was warned to let this opportunity pass. I wanted to pastor so bad, I was 29 and thought I would ''help'' God out.

I went to this church as an interim, then they ordained me as their pastor and I lasted all of three months. It did not take me long to realize that God does not need my ''help.'' He can get by without my help, without your help, or without anyone's help.

In our sermon today, we will find Abraham and Sarah trying to ''help'' God out. The couple was past the age of conceiving a child and they did not think that God could perform such a miracle as making an older woman conceive. Up until this point in the biblical story, God had only been dealing with the world, but now he will be dealing with Abraham.
I - The Problem (1a)

Gen 16:1a KJV - Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children...

Sarah is about 75 years old at this time and she has no children, nor does she have the ability to bare children, she was barren, the first of several barren women in the bible.

• Sarah's Draining Trials

Abra ...

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