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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 2:10-18
This content is part of a series.

Wanna Get Away? (4 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 2:10-18

Open your Bible and turn to the book of Hebrews. We've been in this series entitled, ''Jesus, The Greatest of All Time'' and have been looking at this letter that was written to a group of individuals who were downtrodden and disappointed with life. They found themselves being alienated by friends and shunned by the family around them. They found themselves losing property. They were victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse and anguish. All for one particular reason which was that they were followers of Jesus Christ.

Maybe today you're experiencing some pushback, even some persecution, at work or in your neighborhood, maybe by family or so-called friends, because you give allegiance to Jesus Christ. It's amidst this kind of pushback that these Hebrews wanted to give up and say, ''You know what? I'm done with Jesus.'' This was probably not in an outright rebellious way, but little by little, allowing a disassociation with Jesus in the midst of drifting-a slow and subtle process of having less of Jesus, not more of Him.

We are tempted to do the same thing. When life is difficult and there's pushback, we find ourselves not wanting to show our allegiance to Christ as much as we would in church. Think of the disciples. When the going got tough, they wanted to disassociate with their Savior and Lord and Friend. When trouble comes, we often want to run away. The flight mentality kicks in us when it seems we are standing alone against peer pressure around us, so we want to get away.

Southwest Airlines has used an advertising motto that states, ''Do You Want To Get Away?'' They're hoping you'll want to get away with them on one of their airplanes. So they put together an advertising plan that no doubt you've seen. Something embarrassing or awkward happens to an individual within a 30 second commercial and they want to find a rock to hide under; they want to ...

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