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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-10
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Qualified (10 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 1:1-10

It's a pleasure to have you with us this morning. Please turn in your Bibles to the book of Hebrews. If you're a guest with us, I want to give you a special welcome. God is up to some great things here at Village Bible Church and I'm thankful for all He's doing in and through us.

This morning we're continuing in our series entitled ''Jesus: Greatest of All Time.'' Hebrews was written to a group of New Testament believers who had given up their Jewish rituals and regulations to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. They enjoyed all the things Jesus brought them, but it was sometimes hard to leave behind their traditional festivals and celebrations. Often their new faith had also cost them relationships with friends and even family members.

Think about what it might have been like when the festival days like Yom Kippur would come. Normally they would have gathered together with their families for this important event that celebrated God's faithfulness to their ancestors. But now as Christ followers, what were they to celebrate? The author of Hebrews reminds us that Jesus was in fact an important part of the Old Testament story. The various traditions all pointed to Him, then during His life on earth He fulfilled what these rituals represented. So in reality their relationship with Jesus combined the Old Testament ways with those of the New Testament, the old covenant with the new covenant.

As we study this book, a lot of this seems distant to us. As Gentiles in 21st century America, we may find Hebrews to be one of the most distant books in all the New Testament, because of its deep connection to historic Judaism. In particular, we have little grasp of what the Jewish priesthood actually meant. We need to realize that without priests, there would be no Judaism. It was necessary to have a figure who stood between the people and God as mediator. This was a man who ...

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