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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 11:4-35
This content is part of a series.

Real Faith (22 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 11:4-35

As we talk about faith in our message this morning, it's exciting to see faith lived out in our parents and in our young people as we serve and honor the Lord. Turn in your Bibles to Hebrews 11. We've been in a series entitled, ''Jesus: Greatest of All Time.'' We've been going chapter by chapter, verse by verse, through the book of Hebrews. Today we find ourselves in this very famous passage. We could spend weeks here-and in fact, we did do that. About three years ago our teaching team went through each of the biographies listed here.

My desire today is to do what the author intended, that is to see this passage as one big illustration of what real faith looks like in a messy world. As you know, we live in a world where there are a lot of imposters. If you've ever traveled overseas, you can easily become a victim of people trying to sell you fake items. It might be a purse or jewelry or a watch. It's easy to be fooled into thinking you're get the real deal, only to find out that Rolex is fake. Even if you only spent pennies on the dollar, you're still not getting a good deal.

We live in a world full of fakeness. We spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars changing things we don't like about our bodies, rather than living with our bodies the way God made them. We do this in order to fake people out about how we really look. This fakeness is also very evident in the way we engage social media. We impress our fake friends with our fake life so they'll think our life is way better than it probably is.

This fakeness, this ''impostering,'' has been seen in the most insidious ways. Can you believe it's now possible to eat fake meat? Say in ain't so, friends. My goodness. We're eating meat made from plants. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! I cook pork chops and chicken in my other job. I assure you it will always be the real deal.

Do you know when the worst part of imposter ...

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