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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 5:11-14
This content is part of a series.

Going From the Grown-up Table to the Kiddie Table (11 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 5:11-14

It's great to have each of you with us this morning. My name is Tim Badal and I have the privilege of serving as lead pastor. Please take God's Word in your hands and turn to the book of Hebrews. We've been in a series entitled ''Jesus: Greatest of All Time.'' We've sung about Him. We've prayed to Him. We've spoken about how His greatness has redeemed and changed us. Now we'll open His Word and ask Him to challenge us through it so we might leave here changed from when we entered this morning. We'll be in Hebrews 5:11-14.

As I was growing up, there was a rite of passage in my family-and I'm assuming our family was fairly normal in that. The rite of passage normally took place around Thanksgiving and Christmas, sometimes Easter. It was when our extended family gathered for a holiday meal, so the dining room wasn't large enough for everyone to have a place at the table. That meant that in our house, there was a table in the kitchen called the ''kiddie table.'' How many of you remember the kiddie table? Some of you are still there, right? Let's be honest. It may be different in some families, but usually the kiddie table was one of those rickety card tables with the 1970s folding chairs that would cut you if you moved too much when you were sitting on them. They didn't care about safety in the '70s. Usually there was a plastic table cloth and probably paper plates as well, along with those chintzy Styrofoam cups. My siblings and cousins would enjoy a more toned-down and fun meal. There would be lots of laughter.

Then when we got to be around 12 or 13 years old, we were promoted to the adult table-the ''grown-up table'' -in the real dining room. Mom used the nice table cloth and some candles. There would be nice napkins and the fine china. The conversation was also more refined. We talked about business or politics. We talked as m ...

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