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JESUS > OUR SIN (16 OF 28)

by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 9:1-15
This content is part of a series.

Jesus > Our Sin (16 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 9:1-15

Turn in your Bibles to Hebrews 9. The book of Hebrews can be difficult at times and foreign to us as Gentiles. It was written to a group of first-century Jewish people who had fallen in love with Jesus. Along the way, as they were following Him, the pushback and persecution they experienced was becoming too much to bear. They were beginning to have second thoughts, maybe even ''buyer's remorse.'' Most of the people around them, including family and friends, were questioning them, ''Who is this Jesus? What makes Him so special that you would give up all you've been a part of, all your culture and customs and traditions, to follow Him? How great could He be that you would give up all you once held dear?''

But the writer of Hebrews told them that Jesus was the greatest. In chapter after chapter, he explained that if they walked away from Jesus, it would be the most foolish thing they could do. As he's been doing this, it has caused us to struggle some with the translation. He's talking to a group of Jews who knew the customs and rituals, who had lived under these and had even been blessed by them, but now they had to learn a new way of life that was centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We learned last week that the writer is explaining how the old way of doing things-the old religion-was disappearing. It was becoming, as he said, ''obsolete.'' Commentaries tell us that Jesus would have had an easy time being elevated among the prophets and patriarchs, because they were used to talking ''man to man.'' Even while Jesus was on earth, the chief priests and Pharisees were taking notice of Him, especially guys like Nicodemus. So the author of Hebrews connected Jesus to figures like Abraham and Moses.

But today he begins to talk about things that were untouchable. In Hebrews 9 he starts to address the issue of the tabernacle which would then morph into the ...

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