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MVP (17 OF 28)

by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 9:15-28
This content is part of a series.

MVP (17 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 9:15-28

One thing we have been learning over and over in the book of Hebrews is an important truth that will transform our lives. It will transform the way we live, the way we give. It will transform all of who we are, 24/7, 365 days out of the year. The truth of Hebrews is that Jesus is the greatest of all time.

Now, as we've been going through these chapters, we keep hearing the same note-Jesus is the greatest, Jesus is the greatest, Jesus is the greatest-and rightly so. Don't ever allow that to become rote or monotonous, because that fact will transform us from the inside out. So this morning we're going to once again learn that Jesus is the greatest, but from a different perspective and vantage point . We'll learn that Jesus is the most valuable of all people.

Today is a special day in our country. At 5:30 tonight, hundreds of millions of TVs will be tuned in to the Super Bowl. The name of the Super Bowl is ''The Clash of the Ages'' or ''The Battle of the Ages.'' We have a young quarterback in Patrick Mahomes and we have an old quarterback, Tom Brady. I still feel young because Tom Brady is my age and he's still playing football. If you've ever played in our Turkey Bowl, you might see a little shadow of Tom Brady when you watch your pastor play.

Seriously, at the end of this day, a victor is going to be named and a trophy is going to be given. The championship trophy is going to be handed to one group of individuals. Right after that trophy is given, another trophy will be given-the MVP trophy. It's actually the Pete Rozelle trophy that will be given to the greatest player in the year's greatest game. Now, there will be great performances by lots of people, but 16 writers and broadcasters will determine and vote on who the best of the best is. This person will be brought up to the stage and will be handed a life-size silver football as a way to recognize their most valuabl ...

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