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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 13:1-6
This content is part of a series.

In the Meantime (25 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 13:1-6

We've been studying Hebrews, this letter that was written to a group of Christians who were struggling with persecution and troubles because of their relationship with Christ. As a result, this anonymous church leader is writing to this group of first-century Hebrews. He's telling them, ''I want you to know that running the race is going to take perseverance. The life of a Christ follower is going to be hard.''

We've been learning from Hebrews 12 what it means to run the race with perseverance. We've seen that along the way there will be obstacles that will hinder us, sins that entangle us and distract us from running the race well. But all this running needs to get us somewhere. As we learned last week, the end of Hebrews 12 describes the finish line, a place called Mount Zion. Mount Zion is a symbolic name for heaven. After we've run this race on earth, after we're done with this life, we will enter into the presence of almighty God and experience no more sin, no more sorrow and no more pain. The old things will be gone and only the new will be there. We'll be with God and the angels experiencing festivities God has prepared for His people and we'll enjoy all of eternity in heaven.

As the people who were struggling with the here and now heard about this heavenly city, I wonder if some of them started to grow wings a little bit, thinking, ''I want to be there. I don't like my life right now. I'm going to focus only on that future place.'' The writer will now bring these people back down to earth. ''You're not done running this race yet. In the meantime, between now and when you get to heaven, you have some work to do.''

These things that are part of our running may seem very earthly and even mundane when compared to what we'll experience in the future, but God wants us to run our race well. In order to do this, three things need to become a reality in our liv ...

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