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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Hebrews 13:20-25
This content is part of a series.

Going the Distance! (28 of 28)
Series: Jesus - Greatest Of All Time
Tim Badal
Hebrews 13:20-25

It's graduation day. Everybody say, ''Yay!'' You don't even know what you're graduating from. We are finishing the book of Hebrews. Over the last 30+ weeks we have been on a verse-by-verse journey through this book of the Bible. Today, after a lot of studying, it is time for us to cross the platform and receive our diploma after all this hard work. There have been a lot of distractions and difficulties along the way, but by God's grace we have made it. My hope and prayer is that you've been blessed through it.

Some of our students are graduating from high school or college this month, and all of their diligence will have paid off. They will receive the diploma they have been really looking forward to. But in the Christian life, there are graduation days as well. The Bible tells us that one day we will graduate out of this life into eternity. Right now we're doing the hard work. Right now we have to apply diligence and dedication, daily deciding to follow and honor Christ and to do what is pleasing in His sight.

The author of Hebrews is writing to a church that has been beat up and knocked down, encouraging them not to give up. He's telling them that graduation day is on the horizon, but in the meantime, they are being called to run with perseverance the race that has been marked out for them. We're in the midst of this marathon. We haven't yet graduated. We haven't reached the finish line. So until then, we can be tempted to doubt if will we get there. Will we ever graduate to heaven? Will we ever cross the spiritual finish line? As the author closes out this book of warnings and challenges, he ends the book with words of encouragement. Essentially he's telling us that we can go the distance. We can graduate and get across that finish line. He's going to give us three reasons why that is true.

So let's turn now to Hebrews 13 and read verses 20 through ...

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