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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Frustrated, Yet Faithful (15 of 50)
Donald Cantrell
Series: Genesis
Genesis 15:1-21

Theme: ''Abraham was frustrated, but he was willing to remain faithful''

I - The Profound Proclamation (1)

II - The Perplexing Plea (2 - 3)

III - The Precious Promise (4 - 5)

IV - The Probing Portrait (6)

V - The Puzzling Procedure (7 - 11, 17)

VI - The Phenomenal Prophecy (12 - 16)

VII - The Precise Possession (18 - 21)


On the Andy Griffith Show episode ''Man in a Hurry''- Malcolm tucker is a wealthy businessman from Charlotte. One Sunday he happens to have car trouble a couple of miles outside of Mayberry. Malcolm walks the rest of the way to town and meets Andy coming out of Sunday morning worship.
Andy offers to assist Malcolm but warns that it is nearly impossible to get anything done on a Sunday in Mayberry.

Malcolm begins to lose patience when Wally, the filling station owner, refuses to fix his car because it is his policy not to work on Sunday. Furthermore, Malcolm is dumbfounded when he learns that he can't even use the telephone because the elderly Mindelbright sisters use the party line to visit on Sunday afternoons, since they are unable to get around very well.

Back at the Taylor house, things don't get much better for Malcolm. He explodes into a tirade, screaming that the citizens of Mayberry are living in another world, one that this is the twentieth century, and while the whole world is living in a desperate space age, the town of Mayberry shuts down because two old ladies' feet fall asleep.

Out on the front porch Malcolm actually begins to relax as Barney and Andy sing the old spiritual ''Church in the Wildwood.'' But this calm is short lived when Gomer informs Malcolm that his cousin Goober has offered to fix the car. Later, when Gomer returns with the car, Malcolm is surprised that there is no charge for the repair since it was just a clogged fuel line.
Goober actually considered it an honor to work ...

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