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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Obey Easter (34 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 28

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon offers resurrection-based motivations to obey Jesus' commands. It is an Easter sermon. We look at the: 1) Obedience of faith, 2) Obedience of hope, 3) Obedience of love.

Introduction: Our sermon series is entitled ''Obey Everything'' as in ''Obey everything that I have commanded you.'' But we're not talking about obeying a governor's executive order, we're talking about obeying everything that Jesus commanded. Some obey Jesus' commands, and some don't. Upon what is our compliance based? WHY should we obey Jesus? We should obey for lots of reasons, I'm sure. But with this being Easter Sunday, let's think about how the resurrection helps to motivate us to ''obey everything'' Jesus commanded.


Mt.28:6 ''He isn't here, he has risen from the dead''

Twelve verses before the great commission to teach disciples to ''obey everything'' we have the account of the resurrection of Jesus. The women came to the tomb to anoint Jesus' dead body with the appropriate herbs and spices and were met by an open, empty tomb and the angelic explanation that Jesus was not IN the tomb - he had risen from the dead.

Most of us are believers but there may be some watching, especially today, whose faith is getting a little shaky. That can happen to people when the world turns upside down like it is now. I get that - but I want to say something here especially for you.

The case for Jesus' resurrection is a case of cause and effect. There are certain established historical facts for which the only sufficient cause is the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. These facts are as follows:

1) EMPTY TOMB - The disciples' report that Jesus' tomb was empty.

2) APPEARANCES - The disciples report that Jesus appeared bodily to them after his death and burial.

3) SAUL - The conversion of Saul of Tarsus.

4) TRANSITION - The transition from Saturd ...

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