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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Obey Fearless (33 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 28

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon addresses Jesus' command to ''Fear not.'' 1) Fear not the specter of judgement. 2) Fear not the FOMO 2) Fear not the ignominy of death.

Matthew 28 is the resurrection chapter of that gospel. The phrase ''fear not'' or ''Do not be afraid'' is recorded twice therein. First by an angel at the open entrance to Jesus' tomb, to the women who came to embalm his body. The second occurrence of the phrase is spoken by the resurrected Jesus himself to those same women - Mt. 28:5,10.
Today we continue our sermon series, OBEY EVERYTHING, by considering Jesus' command not to be afraid. A Christian's life is not to be characterized by fear in general, and by the fear of death in particular.

The Bible acknowledges that the fear of death is a very enslaving thing. Satan holds men captive to the fear of death. Hebrews 2:15 ''They have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.''

God is AMAZED at ANY person who can seem to prepare for every possible contingency except for the most inevitable reality of all - that someday you and I are going to be dead. We may not like to THINK about death, but we're not going to escape it.

Let's say it together, ''I am going to die.'' Aren't you glad you came to church today? We all know that, HYPOTHETICALLY, but we don't always know it IMMINENTLY. Over the years I've talked to a number of people who have received a serious cancer diagnosis. When they do, they tell me that it causes one to think seriously and soberly about their own death. When someone gives you an ''expiration date'' so-to-speak on your life, it dramatically changes your perspective. So, let's imagine this morning that you've been told you're going to die, soon, and that you've come to me for some words of comfort and courage. What is there about the resurrection of Jesus that can give us courage as we face death?

Because of the resurrecti ...

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