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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 19:10
This content is part of a series.

Obey Eunuch (28 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 19:10

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon addresses Jesus command that it is better not to marry. 1) Getting from Eunuchs to singles. 2) What ''marrieds'' have to teach singles about the gospel. 3) What singles have to teach ''marrieds'' about the gospel.

Introduction: What do you call a unicorn without a horn? A Eunuch. That was the cleanest Eunuch joke I could find. DO NOT google Eunuch jokes. Today we're going to talk about what Jesus said concerning EUNUCHS. How many of you have ever heard a sermon on Eunuchism (the state of being a eunuch)? That's what I thought. There's probably a good reason for that but here I go anyhow. Now, you might be thinking, ''Steve, what does Eunuchism have to do with me? I'm married.'' I'm glad you asked. I have three ''unique'' points this morning and all three are applicable to everyone in here.


Matthew 19:10ff ''Jesus disciples then said to him, 'If this is the case, it is better not to marry!''' 'Not everyone can accept this statement,' Jesus said. 'Only those who God helps. Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let everyone accept this who can.'''

Let's start with some definitions: Eunuch. A eunuch was typically someone who had been surgically altered so that he could not have sexual relations or procreate. This is what Jesus means when he says, ''Some have been made eunuchs by others.'' This was often done to men who were to guard the ''harem'' in oriental kingdoms. Jesus also refers to those who are ''born as eunuchs.'' Most commentators believe, and I agree, that Jesus is referring to what modern doctors refer to as people who are ''intersex.'' They are born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. Does this have implications for the transgender issues in our ...

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