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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 13:1-18
This content is part of a series.

The Might of Meekness (13 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 13:1-18

Theme: ''Abraham prevailed by being a man of meekness''

I - The Subtle Reminder (1)

II - The Stated Riches (2)

III - The Satisfying Return (3 - 4)

IV - The Strife Revealed (5 - 7)

V - The Solution Resolved (8 - 9)

VI - The Strong Resemblance (10 - 11)

VII - The Sinful Report (12 - 13)

VIII - The Sovereign's Reassurance (14 - 17)

IV - The Servant's Relocation (18)

In this chapter we will see that Abraham was a man of mighty meekness and in being meek, he displayed his awesome power. In reality, meekness is merely power that is under control. God had chosen Abraham to leave Ur of Chaldees, but his father delayed and stayed in Haran. Then we find Terah dying in Haran, so the Lord once again bids his servant to abandon his family and head into the unknown, but Abraham failed to comply and took his Nephew Lot along for the journey.

There is no such thing as slight disobedience, in the bible one either obeys or one disobeys, there is no middle ground for obedience. In Genesis 12 we find the Lord informing Abraham as to the reason for his separation and his calling, he was going to make a great and mighty nation from his loins. God gave his servant some clear directives, to depart from his country, which was Ur of Chaldees, from his kindred, which were his countrymen in Ur, and also from his father's house. This involved leaving behind his brother Nahor, who had set up abode in the Land of Haran, and his dead brother's son, Lot, the son of Haran, who had died back in the Ur of Chaldees.

Abraham had complied too each one of these details to the fullest measure, except for one small request, he took Lot along with him. It seems that he had adopted Lot, especially since his father and brother had died, so he took full responsibility for his nephew, was okay, but not in full compliance.
I - The Subtle Reminder (1)

Gen 13:1 KJV - And Abram wen ...

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