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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 12:1-17, Genesis 12:19-20
This content is part of a series.

The Man of Faith, Fortune, and Flaws (12 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 12:1-20

Theme: ''The bible does not hide the flaws of Abraham''

I - Abraham's Assignment (1)

II - Abraham's Assurance (2 - 3)

III - Abraham's Allegiance (4a)

IV - Abraham's Attendees (4b, 5a)

V - Abraham's Age (4c)

VI - Abraham's Abundance (5b)

VII - Abraham's Arrival (5c)

VIII - Abraham's Altars (6 - 8)

IX - Abraham's Adversity (9 - 20)

The first eleven chapters of Genesis happened at breakneck speed, beginning with creation, then the fall of man, the murdering of Seth, the call of Noah, and then the flood took place in 1656. During the flood there is a high possibility that literally billions of people were destroyed.

Men were living to be over 900 years old, yet God had only found one man worthy of being tapped to cross the great divide of the old world into the new world. After the flood eight souls walked off of the ark and begin to replenish the earth. In a matter of a mere few hundred years, Nimrod begins to lead a revolt against God. The world was united with one language and one goal of building city and a tower to worship creation rather than the creator, so the Lord divided mankind into various races, ethnicities, and various languages.

Abram was born 1946 years from the creation of the world and was called by the Lord in the year 2021, at the age of 75. God has now wiped his hands of trying to deal with mankind and will now deal with one man, who will father one nation, and this nation will become God's chosen people.

The first eleven chapters of Genesis were rapid fire events, but now things will slow down and the remaining thirty nine chapters will revolve around four men, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. The remainder of the bible will revolve around God's chosen people, his chosen nation, and redemption.
The Fabulous Four

1. Abraham ''The Favored Seed'' Genesis 12 - 23
2. Isaac ''The Firstborn Son'' Genesis ...

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