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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 6:1-34
This content is part of a series.

Obey Secrets (19 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 6:1-34

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon deals with Jesus' command to practice the ''secret life.'' We look at 1) The command for the secret life. 2) The compliments to the secret life. 3) The purpose of the secret life. 4) The model of the secret life. 5) The secret of silence and solitude.

Introduction: Previously on ''obey everything'' we looked at the following command. Mt.7:15 ''Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.''

We identified these wolves in sheep's clothing as the scribes and pharisees. The way Jesus' listeners were to SPOT the wolf, was by observing their actions. They were false teachers in the sense that they were legalists and hypocrites. The main thing we don't want to do is to become LIKE them. We don't want to become legalists and hypocrites ourselves. We don't want to get BIT by the wolf, so-to-speak. You get bit by the werewolf and what happens? We BECOME a wolf ourselves. Ahooooooooo! Everybody howl with me this morning. You know you want to.

So last week I gave the first of TWO suggestions on how to hold ourselves apart from the wolf. The first suggestion was that we do not pretend we're better than we are. You never heard a Pharisee say, ''You know, I've really been struggling with greed, lust, legalism, anger...'' That's partly how they got to be a Pharisee. So, it's all right to be honest about our hurts, habits and hang-ups. ''In love's service only the wounded soldiers can serve.'' Don't be afraid to tell someone your story - even the ugly parts - it might actually be what helps them.

Today let's talk about the second suggestion to keep from becoming a wolf. Last week I said that the second suggestion is a SECRET. That's a little play on words because I'm talking about the spiritual disciplines that are conducted in secret, that is to say, in private. Let's look at some of those commandments in th ...

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