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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14
This content is part of a series.

Obey Difficult Road (17 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 7:13-14

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon addresses Jesus' command to walk the ''very narrow'' and ''difficult'' road. We approach this command with four questions. 1) For whom is the road difficult? 2) How is the road difficult? 3) Why get on the road? 4) What help has God provided?

Mt.7:13-14 ''Enter through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.''

Previously on ''Obey Everything'' we talked about the narrow gate and what does it mean to say that the gate to life is narrow. What it DOESN'T mean is that you have to be among the select few who are good enough and work hard enough to earn your way through the gate. What it DOES mean is that the gate is EXCLUSIVE. There are no other gates. There is only one gate to life.

Today we want to talk about the second part of Jesus' description - not the GATE but the ROAD. Jesus said:

Mt.7:14 ''The road is difficult and only a few ever find it.''


It is difficult for everyone. Before I get into how and why the road is difficult, I'm just going to pause right here and say that it is. I hope that's ENCOURAGING to all of you that are on that road. It's encouraging to me because it is sometimes, even often, difficult and hard for me as I follow Jesus. And I'm glad to know that it's not JUST ME. If someone were to say to me, ''It's not hard for me to follow Jesus, it's easy.'' That would be a little bit DISCOURAGING to me. I would begin to wonder, ''Wait a minute, am I on the wrong road? Am I somehow 'doing it' wrong? Because, for me, it's hard!'' I'm here to tell you today, that if you sometimes find this road to life hard, you are in good company. And by good company I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about Jesus. HE said, the roa ...

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