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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12
This content is part of a series.

Obey Ask Part One (13 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 7:7-12

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon is part one of two-parts on Jesus' command to ''Ask, seek, and knock.'' We approach the command, NOT in reference to prayer, but in reference to interpersonal relationships.

INTRODUCTION: I grew up in an era where we didn't wear helmets for everything that was even a little bit dangerous, therefore, we had the chance to play games on the playground that mattered. One of those games was entitled ''Red Rover.'' Red Rover is a game where you link arms with other people and there's other people across from you with linked arms as well, and you say, ''Red rover, red rover, send Stevie right over.'' When your name's called, you have to run and try your best to break through the human chain that's on the other side, without getting captured. I've found that there's two types of people in life - there are people who love to hear their name called in ''Red Rover,'' and there are people who hate to hear their name called in ''Red Rover.'' Jesus releases us into the world and says, ''Go! Be salt and light.'' And there are two types of people-there are people that want to be salt and light, and they want to bowl everybody over. I've got the truth and I want everyone to hear it. Red rover, red rover, send Stevie right over. ''Yes, amen, let's DO this.'' Then there are people who want to sit back a little bit more, maybe even sit on their hands, and say, ''If I could be SILENT salt and SILENT light, that would be great! I'm going to choose that and I'm not going to engage much with the world around me.''

I don't know if either of those options is the option that Jesus would choose. In fact, I'm confident that neither of them works because they don't reflect the life that He lived, and they don't reflect the life that He invites you and I to live either. There's a tension: how do we live in the kingdom of God AND the kingdom of man? How do we live interact ...

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