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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16
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Obey Light (3 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 5:14-16

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon explores how to obey Jesus' command to be the light of the world. We will talk about how to ''Lighten up'' 1) Yourself, 2) The World, 3) God and 4) ''Baskets.''

Mt.5:14-16 ''You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.''

In these verses Jesus describes our function as God's people. In one word it is INFLUENCE. When we live by the principles of the beatitudes, we will have a profound influence on the world in which we live. This is not the impact of government policy or political revolution, but rather the influence of individual character. It is the influence that Jesus wrought upon His world in the first century. It is the influence of both saying AND doing. God introduced light into a dark world; first in the creation of physical light of the universe; next in the incarnation and revelation of His Son, Jesus. Jesus declared in John 8:12 ''I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.'' In exactly the same choice of words, He states here that we (as His people) are the light of the world.

Here are four ways to obey the command to let your light shine.
''You are the Light'' (Mt.5:14)
This is one of those statements that should cause us to rejoice about our situation in the world. Jesus doesn't tell us to BE the light of the world, he declares that we ARE. The command to obey is to let our light shine. But let's not rush to obey the command before we bask in the light. If we are the light of the world, then we must be ''in the light'' ourselves. It is a glorious thing to be li ...

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