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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 5:31-32
This content is part of a series.

Obey Divorce (6 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 5:31-32

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon explores Jesus' prohibition on divorce. We look at in three headings 1) Common Questions, 2) Why So Strict? 3) How to ''divorce proof'' our marriages.

INTRODUCTION: One of the biggest spikes in the U.S. divorce rate was after World War II, when returning soldiers were greeted by wives who had become accustomed to running their households. Some of these homecomings weren't exactly idyllic. In a way, Covid-19 and the order to shelter in place could lead to a similar outcome. No one is returning from the front lines, but many couples have become reacquainted, as they spend an unprecedented amount of time together confined in their homes and isolated from other people. They've struggled with who does what, while juggling jobs, furloughs, childcare and household responsibilities. Such extraordinary tension might bring spouses and families closer together. Or it could reveal fissures that were already there -- and even may lead to break-ups that might not have happened under normal circumstances. If China is any guide, several cities reported record-high numbers of divorce filings in early March (2020), with long backlogs at government offices. The New York Post reported that some divorce attorneys have been inundated with calls, especially from wealthy clients, including those holed up in the Hamptons.
I want to talk openly and frankly today about the problem of divorce. We are in a sermon series entitled, ''Obey Everything'' taken from Jesus' Great Commission. We're mining the Gospel of Matthew for the commands of Jesus that we can obey. Today we're looking at Jesus' command not to separate what God has joined together.
It is not my intent today to hurt anybody's feelings or put someone on a guilt trip. Before we go any further, let me remind those of us that have been divorced, that the same grace of God that has forgiven a variety of sins in all of ...

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