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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-11
This content is part of a series.

Obey Prayer Part One (10 of 35)
Series: Obey Everything
Steve Jones
Matthew 6:9-11

SERMON SUMMARY: This sermon deals with Jesus' command to pray. We learn that the FOCUS of our prayer is God and the FREQUENCEY of our prayer is daily. This is part one of two sermons on prayer in this series.

INTRODUCTION: We are in a sermon series entitled ''Obey Everything'' as in ''obey everything Jesus commanded.'' The command of Jesus we want to talk about this morning is prayer.
If there were two emphasis that I could choose to be known for in my preaching/teaching ministry; two emphases that I HOPE to be known for - I would choose these two:
1) That in my ministry I helped Christians to read through the entire Bible using the One Year Bible.
2) That in my ministry I helped Christians develop their prayer lives using the Lord's prayer.
I am convinced that these two disciplines, these two practices, provide the greatest R.O.I. to a Christian's walk with the Lord. They have certainly provided the greatest R.O.I. in my own spiritual journey. And, of course, I'm not alone in that and I know that most of you don't need convincing.
And so, I hope you are as eager as I am to turn our attention to the Lord's Prayer this morning and once again plumb its depths to discover how we might enrich our prayer lives even further.

We will approach this in two sermons. Today we'll talk about the FOCUS and FREQUENCY of prayer. Next week we'll discuss the FORM of prayer.

Matthew 6:9ff ''Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.''

Notice that before we ever get to any of the ''gimmees'' we've already done some important praying. In fact, in this model prayer I only see one line that's given over to ''gimmees'' and even that line is pretty modest - ''Give us today our daily bread.'' What I want us to see right here is that the focus of our prayer needs to be on God and not ourselves.

When I ...

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