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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 8:13-22, Genesis 9:1-17
This content is part of a series.

Creation Reborn (16)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 8.13-9.17

Kristal, Jordan and I went to the theatre on Memorial Day to see a movie. It was the first time we set foot in a movie theatre in over a year. Now I know some of you haven't been a to a movie theatre in over two decades so it's not that big of a deal to you, but I like a good movie and tasty movie snacks every now and then.

It was nice. It felt as if something taken had been restored. It felt as if something lost had been found.

I feel that way this morning. This is the first time since March of 2020 that we have all met together in one service. I didn't mind two services. One day, hopefully due to growth, we will need to move back to dual services again but today, for now, I feel like something lost has been found and something taken has been restored.

Over this last year we all know what it feels like to have our lives disrupted. We have all been limited in so many ways, especially socially. These months of distancing and avoiding contact, no hugs, no handshakes, has left its imprint on all of us.

We know what it is to have our movements restricted, to feel as if we have been fenced in. I remember that week the family was quarantined. We were tired of each other after the very first day. Let's face it, togetherness can be overrated.

Can you imagine how Noah, Mrs. Noah and their sons and daughters-in-law felt?! They had been on/in the ark with hundreds of different kinds of animals for over a year waiting on the flood waters to subside and for God to open the door of the ark. (What God opens no one shuts. What God shuts no one opens).

After all those months afloat, anxiety had to be running high. Depression may have set in. Questions, doubts and fears wormed their way into their minds. After a year of close quartered contact with family and the animals, everyone was looking forward to wide-open spaces, fresh scenery and fresh smells.

When God told Noah to leave the ...

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