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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 11:1-32
This content is part of a series.

The Tale of Two Towers (11 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 11:1-32

Theme: ''One tower is destroyed as another one is lifted up''

I - The Famous Tower (1 - 9)
A) The Vicious Revolt (1 - 4)
B) The Visual Report (5 - 6)
C) The Verbal Renunciation (7 - 9)

II - The Family Tree (10 - 26)
A) The Ten Men
B) The Terrific Message
C) The Timeframe Mentioned

III - The Fascinating Times (27 - 32)
A) The Descendents (27 - 28)
B) The Details (29 - 30)
C) The Delay (31 - 32)

In today's study we will see the ''Tale of Two Towers'' as one is exterminated, while the other one is elevated. On the one hand we see the story of the Tower of Babel, its founder and builder is godless and faithless. Then on the other hand we see the story of Abraham, he will become the next towering figure in the bible, he is the founder and the builder of the nation of Israel, he will prove to be a godly and faithful man.

In verse five we read about the ''children of men'' and their evil dealings and their evil desires, but later on Abraham will be introduced to us and in time he will help to form a nation called the ''children of God.''

In the old world mankind had abandoned God, yet God found himself one godly man that would help to bridge the gap from one world into the next. After the flood, it did not take long for mankind to abandon God yet again, but we find God rearing up a man by the name of Abraham and his seed will be followed all the way to the ''Cross of Calvary.''

The bible always proves one point, God will not be backed into a corner, he will always stand against ungodliness and he will never be found without a godly line or godly seed. He will always allow someone like Noah to shine forth; he will ever have an Abraham, a Jacob, a Joseph, a Mordecai, a Ruth, a Naomi, or an Esther. You will never find God to be placed in a corner, it won't happen.

The Tower of Babel will allow us to see man at his worst, yet as God pushes Abraham on ...

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