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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 10:1-32
This content is part of a series.

Table of Nations (10 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 10:1-32

Theme: ''The genealogy of the new world is very important''

I - The Genealogy of Japheth ''The First Son'' (1 - 5)
A) The Son (2a)
B) The Sons (2b - 4)
C) The Summary (5)

II - The Genealogy of Ham ''The Fallen Son'' (6 - 20)
A) The Son (6a)
B) The Sons (6b - 18)
C) The Summary (19 - 20)

III - The Genealogy of Shem ''The Favored Son'' (21 - 32)
A) The Son (21)
B) The Sons (22 - 29)
C) The Summary (30 - 32)

This chapter is just as important to the biblical landscape as the genealogies of Genesis chapter 5, though it is not as precise. In this chapter we will discuss the dispersion of the three sons of Noah. This is not as precise a list as Genesis 5, but it is just as relevant, because it was written by Moses and would have been read to them before they begin to conquer the Land of Canaan.

In Genesis 5 we see a genealogy that is vertical, which majors upon age and ancestry, but in Genesis 10 we see a genealogy that is horizontal, which majors upon prominent people and places. In this specific genealogy we find that not every person is mentioned, only the most prominent and not women are mentioned at all.

In Genesis 5 we focus on ten men, we read of their age and their deaths, but in this we read of three sons, with no specific ages mentioned, nor any deaths. In this chapter we find a total of seventy nations are mentioned. The number 70 is one of totality, we find it in the seventy family members of Jacob as they leave Canaan and head for Egypt. We find it also among the seventy men that Moses chose to be the elders of Israel.

Exo 1:5 KJV - And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt [already].

Exo 24:1 KJV - And he said unto Moses, Come up unto the LORD, thou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel; and worship ye afar off.
Exo 24:9 KJV - Then went up Moses, and Aaron, ...

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